Blood in the Deep By and By

A gratuitous pitch of my own book?  Yes, maybe.  But, to me it is more than that.  This was my first chance to tell a story and do so with reverence to my favorite author, Steinbeck. 

It is not my first story, for I have a thousand to tell–this is just the first one I published.  It is the fruit of many people’s labor and a lot of reading on self-publishing.  When you write things like this, you sit back and hope that it catches fire, and that somehow, you can gain a following, and then maybe over time, you end up able to do what you love all the time…just write. 

Until then, I write when I can, but I wanted to share this with you, and I hope you stop by and Amazon and support a new writer.

And most importantly, support independent published authors who cannot market like those big guys…

Need proof that the book won’t kill you to read?

Here are a few of the comments left by the readers.

From reader, SEC:

The literary styling of this work is incredible while remaining accessible to the reader. The author writes beautifully, capturing details and subtly using symbols to draw the reader in and make them feel comfortable at the same time. I think the best writers are those that are also well read. Phillips clearly knows the works of classic, famed authors and while telling his story, he teaches at the same time. The characters are well-formed, imperfect beings. I found myself identifying with both the good and bad traits as I read. When reading, I generally want to feel drawn from my own world and into someone else’s without necessarily having to pause for extended periods of self-reflection. This book managed to pull me from my own world and caused me to reflect at the same time, yet it did so in a way that did not irritate or take away from the action of the book. The imagery is exceptional. The symbolism is equally amazing. Funny how mention of glasses on a table top, or a description of a woman diving into a pool can create such tension. I will read everything Phillips writes in the future. I highly recommend this author’s work. Absolutely incredible.

Angelia wrote:

I have to admit that Blood in the Deep By and By is not the typical book I read. However, I am so thankful I took the chance on Heath Phillips and read his book. Phillips’ writing is so well-written and descriptive that I feel like any review I attempt to write would be a mockery compared to his work. I must agree that in a home with triplets there is no peace and THEY do continue their reign of terror on a daily basis. I will end this poorly written review by concluding that you will not be disappointed by reading this book. You will know these characters and relate to each and everyone of them.

Lynn described Blood in the Deep By and By:
This debut marks the arrival of a gifted writer. This story tells of the inhabitants of the fictional coastal town of Somerset and follows stoic John Lee from his unconventional childhood as the son of a Great Lakes captain, to a helm of his own on the Gulf of Mexico, and to points between and beyond. Full of adventure, and tragedy, and quotable rumination, this book will leave you missing the characters so human and flawed and well-drawn you thought they just might be someone you know.
These are just a few.  Please check the book out and leave your review there.  Let me know how I am doing….